Sunday, March 20, 2022

Into the heart of the Grampians

Gariwerd never fails to impress. The ancient rock formations give up their stories of millions of years of formulative history through layers of wethered exposure, bared for any astute observer to read. The majority of tourists through the place are happy enough just to have conquered the journey to the Pinnacle without bothering to consume the historical messages sent through time thrown at them as they pass by - being more focused on sore muscles and how far it is to the top.

The Grand Canyon was closed (due to a structural issue which has taken more than 2 years to resolve) and due to the number of passing inhabitants Silent Street was actually the noisiest part of the whole journey.
Simply spectacular are apt superlatives. We did manage to loose our way and start to do some serious rock navigational skills before realizing our error. Pretty funny although a tad disconcerting. The views at the top are simply awesome, the vertigo heart thumping and the experience priceless.

Due to aging knees we took the long, easier route down and being thankful for the walking sticks collected on the way up managed to slowly decend without injury.

Back in town and a quick refreshment we mounted the bikes and went up yet more hills to Lake Bellfield. A destination. Where the bike track goes to. Thats why we went there. No other reason. On the way back we stopped at a place that sold drinks, art stuff and had possibly the coolest mini golf course ever. We partook in the first, perused the second and scorned the third. And then cruised on the bikes into town for a long protracted dinner watching the sunset slowly wash away the details of the monolithic structures that will continue to dominate the skyline long after the race of we mere mortals will be able to appreciate.

The kangaroos hopping by to nibble the grass in front of us was pretty cool. The air was warm, the staff were friendly and the bike ride home in the twilight was much easier on weary legs than walking would've been. A big day. Yay for Halls Gap!

1 comment:

Margd said...

What a good day!