Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Capital Politics

Woken by the sounds of warbling magpies was a pretty good start to a darn good day. The accommodation was quickly tidied up after an in house breaky (astutely provided by us) and then we hit the road through the rolling hills of the Gundagi area. A very rich and fertile landscape compared to what we experienced the day before. Slowly working out the technology in the vehicle (competing devices vying for the attention of the console) we finally got stuck into an audio book when the melb local radio ran out of delivery options.

And so the 3 hours rolled by effortlessly, the first stop in the capital was the view from the tower on Black Hill. Closed... with no explanation.

Even more profoundly so when peering through the smoky glass doors to see what the inside might have been like, the tradie on the inside said "Sorry mate, it's closed"

"Do you know why?"
"No" and walked away
Suspect that was easier for him than actually articulating a sentence. Let alone a reason for his existence.
Certainly a first world annoyance, beyond that ....what else can we expect from the countries leading communication provider in the heart of the nation?
Canberra is sure easy to get around and in no time at all we were comfortably imbedded in the serviced apartment. Whilst non-blogger scorned the pool and slept, blogger hopped on the bike and peddled up to Subway to grab lunch.
In the last few hours of our warm balmy weather days we then headed around the corner, up the hill to the second child's new abode. This was the primary reason for heading this way and without a doubt a worthwhile effort.

After spending a quiet catch up on the expansive deck surrounded by flowers, we all jumped back in the jalopy, dropped it off at the overnighter, hopped on hire scooters upon which we scooted down to Kingston town for a couple of bevvys and a catch up - surrounded by the hip and happenin' throngs in the salubrious waterfront.

The sun sank, the wind got cold, the runners drank their gallons of beer and departed with their metabolism's in confusion, as did we move on to the north side of town. On the way a quick walk past the picturesque edges of the lake.

The fading light behind the grey clouds highlighting the (closed) tower on the hill whilst projecting enough luminescence to show the sea gulls (?) hanging around the waters edge, paying no particular attention to the large bloated carp floating sideways in its rigomortis state or indeed to the large water rat paddling furiously along the edge seemingly anxious to get out of the algae infested liquid but unable to due to the foot high vertical wall upon which we were standing. Time to move on and start talking politics.

Ubering our way over to the happenin' city side of Lake Blue Green we had a fabulous culinary experience filled with wonderful insights into our offsprings new life. It's great to see her settling in and making her way in life.
A short uber back home (whilst passing the lit up houses of metaphorical rodents) saw the end to a great evening out.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Wonderful catch-up! So glad Izzy is enjoying her new life!