Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bentota #3

Another day of relaxation. Same pattern. Same experiences. All good. Some observations: Non-blogger has discovered a new purfume called Ode de' Onion courtesy of a fabulous new herbal remedy masseur we found a couple of days ago.
Our dogs are very protective of our patch of beach. The train line is so close to our room it's reminiscent of Elwood Blues NY apartment, however here it sounds exotic. And I guess less frequent. The weather has cleared - no down pours over the last couple of days. The Surf is dangerous. Got lucky on the first day and haven't been game to brave body surfing since (need equipment and then it would be a hoot).
Really glad they don't supply bathroom scales in the rooms here. The situation here is ongoing. News from OS is not capturing the fact that there are heap of operatives still active and are stretching local resources. Suspect there is a bit of government censorship going on whilst also a bit of incorrect gossiping (which they call fake news - so now even the term fake news is being used as fake news). All tourists are cancelling ( from what we can tell). Numbers in the resort are slowly diminishing and it's really unfortunate that this is going to cost the country millions of not billions of dollars over the years. The government is on the edge of disarray. No one trusts the incumbents. No one trusts the ex leader (now in opposition but has more power than the guy at the helm). They need a fresh face with modern ideals with no corruption. Hold on a tick... This sounds couriously remincent of home. By the way ... A specific highlight of this trip has been to be completely removed from the incessant inane childish chatter which eminates from Aussie Pollies. Tomorrow we tackle the security cordon thrown around Colombo. Hopefully it will be seamless and extremely boring and the flight will be on time and we land home safely with the only stress in our lives being whether Aldi can continue to deliver specials on time just a we realise we need them. This was written as we had pre's next to the pool. If I need to update after dinner (like last night...I will).
And so he does... Not as exciting as last night's chasing potential extremists. We were hit with an extreme storm. Gotta love a good downpour tempered with lightning and thunder. Also there does seem to be an influx of new guests, so maybe the resilient rational minded folk are sticking to their morals and not letting these extremest idiots dictate their lives. Way to go.. And the rain turned the lawns into mirrors.


Louisa said...

Excited to have you back!

Margd said...

Glad you're keeping out of that surf!
Safe travels! Xxx

charma said...

Finally got Wifi and could continue with reading your enlightening and off times hilarious blog!
Thinking lots of you as u journey home
Much love xx