Saturday, December 13, 2014

Final day up North

Our last morning in Paradise saw us cramming the inevitable chaos that was our lives for a week into a series of suitcases, backpacks and handbags which then miraculously became luggage. Which we then lugged down to the vehicle and temporary storage at reception, checked out and headed for the hills. Literally. Having most of the day to kill it was time to see a different aspect of TNQ.
Heading in the direction of Broome (didn't quite make it that far) the Savannah Hwy winds its way up to Kuranda which is so chic in its touristy ambience we skedaddled out of there and headed off through the rapidly more arid landscape (complete with ant hills) to Mareeba - stopping for ice cream and spiders along the way. After admiring their drive through bakery we made a quick stop at their market. Unfortunately it was pack up time and being short of available minutes ourselves we headed on down to Atherton to grab a bite of lunch. You could write songs about this place. It was Saturday afternoon, the boys were just driving around wasting time and the flame trees were in full bloom setting fire to the town. Couldn't be more clique'd Aussie if you tried. And so leaving the tables full of old friends swapping yarns we headed east again and wound our way off the tablelands, through green fields, thick rainforests and down one of the funnest winding roads ever made. Well fun for the rally driver - not so much for the passengers being thrown around by the copious twists and bends in the road. Eventually it straightened out, tyres stopped squealing and we casually cruised back up the coast to Cairns. Temp in suburbs 38c. It just seems to get hotter and hotter. Back to collect our bags and then off to the airport for the inevitable waiting, queueing, sitting, waiting, queueing, waiting, sitting, queueing etc. that is travel by air these days.
We bade trinity beach farewell from 3000 ft as rain finally washed over it and then chased the setting sun down south westwards during the uneventful flight. The airport created one of the biggest shocks of the year. Our luggage was on the carousel before we got there! In disbelief we cruised back through the balmy Melbourne evening (27c) to quiet Surrey Hills where the constant roar of the ocean is replaced by the distant roar of traffic.

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