Thursday, March 12, 2015

On to SCQ

And now to Sunshine Coast Queensland.An easy drive to the airport had us contemplating the pros of cancelling the new tunnel. Leaving the airport from the the bottom gate we were squirted into the air and shot up to the warm weather in a comfortable trip as we yet again deployed the "take over the empty seats as soon as possible" tactic. A single phone call ensured a cheap and personalised carriage to our abode in Caloundra. After letting ourselves in and scaring the beegeebees out of the the cleaner we dropped our bags and headed into town for a trendy burger at a trendy café on the trendy esplanade that hugs the water front of the picturesque inlet which has Bribie Island defining its other bank. Caloundra really buzzes on balmy Thursday afternoon (not). After a walking circuit of thr town to get our bearings and essential supplies we returned to the apartment to find the apologetic cleaner still doing her stuff.
Our residence is so close to the rolling waves that the sound thunders in and the warm sea breezes wash through windows cleansing the soul and whisking away the stresses of metropolis. Possibly the best location amongst thousands of options in the area. We've done quite well. Sunset from the balcony looking over the boardwalk was spectacular.

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