Saturday, March 14, 2015

A long walk into Golden Serenity

Awaking to the sight of our local reptars hovering outside our windows - keeping a keen eye on the swirling waters below we soaked back the ambiance of the bright morning daylight washing over the east coast and into the vast continent beyond our vision. A fabulous coffee at the local beach side cafe' charged the minds and legs for our long trek southwards.
Pausing to admire our abode from the rocks along the shoreline whilst dodging rock hopping cyclists we headed along the coastal trail, past the trendy eateries, caravan parks and manicured foreshore gardens towards Golden Beach. Aptly named in the same mindset that turned Shark Bay into Safety Beach. eg. False marketing.
There is no gold. Indeed there is no beach. What there is is a never ending sprawl of holiday homes, retirement houses and resorts selling "absolute water frontage". Yes they are next to the water. The beach is equivalent to a kindergarten sand pit. Most likely imported from the same source. The village of Golden Beach basks in the shadows of the looming resorts and has a certain buzz of excitement that is somewhat akin to a cemetery. Maybe its the off season.... Anyway, the weather was nice and warm and we had a pleasant stroll all whilst racking up step counts on the pedometer. Toasties for lunch back in our abode whilst watching the never ending spectacle of interesting things happening just outside our windows was apt reward for our labours. It was so captivating the afternoon was spent watching a video which suffered only the occassional distractions such as helicopters flying past (yesterday it was hornets).
And so, as the sun slowly faded into the west we consumed our free bottle of bubbly and then dragged ourselves down the the same cafe' for dinner. Which was delightful. The closeness of the shipping channel was highlighted yet again by the sight of a huge passenger cruiser just off shore. Very impressive.They were looking at us, we were looking at them. And then the moment passed.

1 comment:

Margd said...

At least you've got warm weather! Cold here at PI.