Sunday, March 15, 2015

To Market To Market

Finally realised the way to see the sunrise is to go to bed early.
The ever persistent sea winds abated overnight to let the sun rise over calm seas. Wlist the waves continue their relentless barrage on the rocks below the rest of the area went through a phase shift. Windsurfers gave way to paddle boards and swarms of swimmers descended upon the coast. Our mission for the day was to hit the weekly street market, which we did with enthusiasm (for one) and resignation (for the other). At least they had good bands and good coffee to help while away the time.
Loaded with colourful expressions and considerably less financially endowed we headed back to the beach for yet more coffee whilst watching the waves pummel the would be surfers. as the day progressed the surf got bigger and bigger. Not wanting to miss out we donned our togs and headed out between the flags of kings beach for our own dumping. Apart from one misadventure with the rip it was all good fun.
Pity some waves were uncatchable due to the sardine nature of the milling throngs - being hit by pounding waves is one thing, being hammered by out of control body surfers does tend to put a downer on the day at the beach.
We cooled down in the pool at the abode and then wasted the afternoon entirely by taking a long siesta. Keeping with the theme it was paella for dinner at our now favorite haunt. Gellati for afters and then a movie in to finnish off the day.

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