Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Relaxing day

Today was downtime. No big trips. No high jinx. No exciting adventures. No interesting stories. You have been warned.... Finally managed to view the sunrise - albeit by capturing it on time lapse video and watching it on the TV in the middle of day, but what the heck.... This way we got sleep-in as well :) Our accommodation looms over the end of the beach road which has a public BBQ and shelter. A very popular spot which due to the prevailing winds we hear everything the inhabitants say, smell every morsel of food that they cook and breath every tobacco they choose to smoke. So last night we drifted off to sleep with the sounds of their youth revelries and woke up to the "joy" of their awakening. Combined with the dulcet tones of local council workers tidying up the steep bank below the pool with whipper snippers and blowers it was an interesting concophany of alarm clocks.
The monsoon is still holding off. Lucky us, poor locals, who really do need the rain. In another perfectly calm day we went for a stroll over the headland which turned into an adventurous trek. 2 meters inland the breeze disappears and the sweat starts to flow. Following a series of rough storm water dug out tracks we found some great vistas, picked some fresh mangos, discovered a remote tropical beach and eventually got lost in a mangrove swamp. Not bad for all of 10mins away from the compound. After a refreshing iced coffee back in civilisation the rest of the day was spent lounging around the pool and/or the apartment to the continuing sounds of portable 2-stroke engines. They've done a great job of stripping away all the vegetation just in time for the rains to wash away the exposed soil. Dinner in and then late swim in the pool ended the day.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Book club at Charm's today. Then a very nice lunch at a little cafe at nearby Waterways. Webster is ok, got him some more chicken wings.