Saturday, December 06, 2014

off to the balmy tropics

Up at 3:00 am for a 6:00am departure. The 3hr flight to TNQ was easy and uneventful. After collecting our blue rocket from buchet'we headed into the Saturday morning street party of inner Cairns. With only the occasional tourist spotted Louisa has come to the conclusion that she likes this place because everyone must sleep in Saturday mornings. After brunch at a foreshore cafe we made the short (but very cramped)
journey to Trinity beach and we are now ensconced in our palatial 4th floor apartment. Thinking about shopping for the week.......which after a few uncoordinated short naps we did. The supermarket at Palm Cove was the same as any in "Mexico" the only difference is the humidity experienced upon exit. After distributing the boot load of booty into the large variety of options in the kitchen we headed to the pool to cool our heated bods and play around with the go-pro. Dinner was on the balcony of the bistro which is part of the extensive tavern conveniently located next door. We skedaddled home under the threat of looming thunderstorms to then thoroughly enjoy the show as they drifted out to sea.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Sounds good so far!