Monday, December 08, 2014

A day on the Daintree

Missing yet another spectacular sunrise we arose to a calm day with the view bathed in brilliant sunshine and a warm breeze still wafting through the apartment. Ahh Queensland - beautiful one day, perfect the next (maybe I should go into advertising?). We bundled our day trip gear into the blue rocket and headed north again. Giving PD a miss we had a quick coffee stop at Mossman and then tore off up through the green sugar cane fields to explore the Daintree. Breaking the cardinal rule, we paid the ferryman before we even boarded the vessel. Safely to the other side however, the winding roads were duly captured on the go pro as we balanced clear vistas with crazy tourists and a distinct lack of visible cassowary's.
A high canopy of fan palms filters light onto the boardwalk at Cape Tribulation as it meanders its way through the rain forrest exposing all sorts of wildlife. We saw wild pigs, goannas, bush fowl, lizzards and English tourists. Ending up on the pristine beach was a welcome relief from the oppressive humidity. It would have to rate as one of the best beaches in the world. Apart from the crocs and the stingers and the sandflies and the sharks of course. We had lunch (lastnights leftovers) at our very own beach (Thortons) followed by dessert at the local ice creamery (go figure....this place is meant to be isolated...end of the world...see this and you've seen it all...and next door we have an exclusive ice cream factory that does wattle sead flavours!). Back across the ferry (front row this time) we shot back through the cane fields and headed up the Mossman Gorge. Spending a good hour or so lolling around in the river was good clean fun. With impressive mountain peaks looming in and out of view as the ever present local clouds trying to form rain bearing capability (apparently they will succeed in two days time) we saw a plethora of tourists come and go. Some dipped in. Others didn't. A good money spinner for the traditional owners. Who do a very job running the whole show.
And so with wet cozzies we sped off down the Captain Cook race track (fun road to drive when its clear and you know it) and back to base for pre's and then pizza's by the beach at one of the many trendy restaurants which are inevitable in a place such as Trinity.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Love the fan palms photo! It's quite a business putting in a comment. Have to prove you're not a robot every time!