Saturday, July 20, 2013

Good morning Vietnam

Up early for an interesting breakfast in the hotel(can't go past crumbed scallops at any time of the day).The weather is warm and humid but nice and pleasant before the deluge early afternoon. So we strolled through the bustling streets up to the American autrocticies museum for a couple of hours education.
Lest we forget. Oh sorry..given thier exploits in the Middle East recently one thinks that maybe they have conviently forgotten what they did to this place only a few years ago.
Ejected from the museum by the lunchtime bell and the lights turned off we headed back into the rich cultural life that the locals have managed to build without the tyrany of the invading hoards from over the eastern waters. Smoothies for lunch and a ripoff taxi in the deluge saw us at the market for a haggle or two. Considering the amount of rain they get here you'd expect to see umbrella's for sale. Not so. Go figure. Anyway, we eventually found one on the way to the rooftop bar at the Hotel Rex. Massages. Shopping. Dinner and an ongoing saga of trying to upload photos filled out the rest of the day. We are in great location in the middle of the heart of Siagon. The buildings litterally gleam in shimmering cascades of colours at night.


Margd said...

Sounds like a great day!

Margd said...

Sounds like a great day!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear its going well.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear its going well.