Sunday, July 28, 2013

A slow day

With nothing to to do today but relax and pack we slept in, had breakfast kimono style (pity about the bulge between the disks) and we drifted off to the beach for some serious relaxing.
Today the beach came into its own with crystal clear water (obviously the ocean stream was flowing away from the river mouth today), no waves and the swarms of dragonflies hovering in the lee of gentle breeze next to the beach umbrellas. Luckily they don't bite. Two finished customised items dropped off at the hotel by our (now) personalised tailors from within the town determined the timetable for the day (we had to meet them at reception for a quick fitting and confirmation of overall happiness). Massages across the road and collection of washing was one of the highlights, the other was the gift from the hotel of a birthday cake. This resulted in some serious discussion on who the recipient was, the one a month posthumous and one three days pending. Interestingly the past event was chosen as the lucky celebrator as the looming one is not to be recognised (due to a generalistic denial of the sands of time).
Packing has been interesting, we searched and searched for shipping containers, but to no avail. It looks as if it's up to us lug the tonnes of stuff back by ourselves. Dinner at the hotel was a gourmet feast of BBQ's seafood in the hotel. Tomorrow we get up at 3:30am! to get to the airport, to catch a plane, 4 hour car drive and then cruise on Mekon delta overnight. Will fully expect no WiFii for couple of days and as such no post ensuing.


SallyDustingLaird said...

Oh so jealous. Bring some of that heat back with you. Enjoy your last few days and Happy Birthday Ro, you can't deny it. You can run but you can't hide from " the hands of time"Xx

Margd said...

Maybe you could put a photo on Facebook?