Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arrival (finally)

Arrived in Ho Chi Min after a roller coaster approach (something made the pilot try an abort maneuver 10 mins away from the runway). We had the best incoming experience into a county ever. No immigration forms to fill out, walked past the increasing queue of those people who didn't pre-arrange their visas. Luggage was in the first batch through and we were out of there whilst the rest of the plebs were still back in the visa queue. Straight to the hotel via taxi to head off to sleep with the dull roar of traffic and incessant car horns beeping their way through the city streets.
Great central location and once we get the technology sorted (hopefully soon) we can include some pics.


Margd said...

Enjoy! It was lovely to see the girls today when Louisa drove up to Kalorama. There must be an advantage to the grandies growing up, after all!

Margd said...

Enjoy! It was lovely to see the girls today when Louisa drove up to Kalorama. There must be an advantage to the grandies growing up, after all!

Gabby said...

Great you have arrived. I hope you have earplugs! Today is super cold so enjoy the balmy heat