Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A day of doing nothing

All went according to plan today. We went to the effort of leaving the resort twice. Once to cross the road to check out the small shops (appearing to be corrugated iron shacks) and spa and again later to go to the spa for massages. Oh the stress of it all.... Drifting slowly awake to see if the sunrise was as beautiful as Katut's Rhonda (wasn't great so we drifted off again) our first real sleep in was rudely disturbed by the cleaners wanting to bust in at 8:30. Luckily Rosemary interpreted the immediate response to something more polite and printable and as such advised them to come back in an hour. So they clattered off down the cavernous hallways with the sounds of their invasive behaviors echoing off into the distance.
We have since discovered that in order to keep these troublesome intruders out of our privacy (day and night) we need to hang a card on the door advising not to enter. That was pretty much the bloggable highlight of the day. Breakfast in the overcrowded restaurant was typical of an international hotel, people everywhere, too much food of many choices and general contention for attention at the egg chef counter. Note to self : do not come here in peak season. A quick look at the gym (well we we made at least the effort of seeing where it is!) and then across the road for the first time to book the massages. After that exhausting ordeal we headed all the way to the beach (just past the layered pools, spas and bars) where we duly deposited our tired bodies and recuperated by reading books and having the slight sea breeze minimize the heat. The beach is lined by huge sandbags - obviously there to stop erosion as the waves crash against them and managing to pretty much destroy the vision of an idealic tropical seascape (then again - being Aussies we may be a bit highbrow as to what makes a good beach). Needless to say - the waves crash in with enough ferocity to catch the unawares with enough force to dump them unceremoniously onto the (possibly imported) sand. This happened to 50% of of our party. To the other 50% this was quite funny - however this type of humor must be contained and expressed instead with caring concern. Lesson learned. Lunch was smoothies under the palm frond beach umbrellas and was followed by our second journey out of the compound for the aforementioned rub down.
Afterwards, we trudged back to the beach for more lounging around and wave dodging. We had pre dinner drinks in our room and then carried our weary bodies all the way back to the beachside restaurant for dinner and general debrief. The beach at night under the full moon was spectacular. Tomorrow we head back into town to see what all the tailoring is about. With any luck - this may provide something interesting to blog about :).


Margd said...

Keep up the hard work!

Isabel said...

sounds so amazing! buffet breakfasts are the best, enjoy them! miss you xxx