Thursday, July 25, 2013

To the End of the World (Twice)

Another day of avoiding the hustle, bustle and pleading vendors of the town saw us both mount our trusty metal treadlies and repeated the adventure of the previous day. The twisting, winding street was much quieter in the late morning - probably because most people were at work or school.
Reaching the end of the road we checked out the End of World restaurant and decided we would definitely return in the evening. We peddled slowly back to the compound where we noticed they have a series of subterranean tunnels servicing the place. Obviously not as small as those created by the Viet Kong down south but they have certainly learnt from their experiences and are now employing them in somewhat less controversial ways. This did not stop us envisaging the locals popping up from camouflaged exits in the middle of the plush lawns and firing shots at the vistors (B52's, rusty nails and tequilla's - similar names but somewhat more polite than 40 years earlier). Afterwards we collapsed on the beach. This typer fell asleep for about 3 hours - completely unaware that it is possible to get burnt lying under a beach umbrella on a cloudy day. We headed into the the sanctuary of our room from a pending rainstorm which never eventuated. The weather in this place certainly had us in a tiz today.
Whilst it was still light we we summoned a taxi and showed him how to drive to the End of the World - possibly the poignancy of our efforts were lost on him. Never mind. We had the restaurant to ourselves until some boisterous Taswiegans invaded our quiet solitude. Prawns as big as lobsters (really), stuffed calamari and crispy fish washed down with cold local beers - all for about $35. This is why we came here (the tailors are an added bonus).
A 5 minute taxi ride back and we are now ensconced in our room, feeling more stuffed than the calamari which caused it and for some reason - totally zonked out. An early night will therefore ensue as we recharge our batteries (no, not the ipad or the phones before we head back to town tomorrow just so we can say "no thanks" about two hundred times to total strangers.


Unknown said...

OMG. The story of the seaford is more than I can bear. I hopeit was as good as it sounds. Please take photos.

Unknown said...

I always thought any place serving food called End of the World(or Universe) would have to be good

Margd said...

Excellent day!