Friday, June 26, 2009

A quiet day in Paradise

After sleeping in, we continued to deal with the continuing lost property issues - thanks to Brian and Gabby – hopefully their efforts will get us on the road (so to speak).
After lunch from the local bakery, we went for another stroll through the old town to the Church of 100 doors. Apparently they can find 99 – legend has it that when the 100th is found something dramatic is going to happen. Louisa reckons she found it in one of the ancient archaeological excavations which are covered by glass on the floor of the altar, but as the apocalypse has not happened or Istanbul has not been returned to the Greeks we think she may have found door 101 – no. 100 still remains hidden. It was a very reverent place to visit – it’s nice that the locals allows us (seemly disrespectful – mostly through ignorance) tourists to wander around.
The girls swam in the pool for hours. We had pre- dinner snacks on our elevated balcony again improving on last night’s ingredients with fabulous olives, tomatoes with real flavour, less wind and the same provincial view. Tonight we spotted the locals tending their backyard vineyards, the rooster is still on Melbourne time (yay!) and the bird life tweeting in the background made the scene very pleasant and somewhat surreal..

Dinner to follow started off as a walk down to the waterfront, we sat down to have drinks to watch the sunset behind the old fort guarding the harbour. We caught up with Sneezy the dog - named as such because yesterday she sneezed on Dads leg as she decided to walk with us. She took (an obviously well founded) liking to Dad and together they watched the sun slowly head towards the horizon
We had to leave her there as we were on a mission to find the best position the watch the final vestiges of the sun disappear, whilst consuming the best Paros had to offer. And we did, the wine was crisp and clean the beer was cold the juice was, well.... a bit ordinary actually. However, the Gyros was great. The ambience with the new moon chasing the sun was fabulous.
So we didn’t really do much today, but it was very relaxing – stated a few times was that this place is so peaceful and relaxing we should have been here at the end of the adventure – never mind – tomorrow we jump on another boat and journey to another island in the Cyclades – hopefully it will remain dormant whilst we are there.

2 comments: said...

Hi Louisa, Isabel, Ro and Neil. Finally got onto your blog after finding your initially lost address in the pocket of Wes's jacket. Couldn't remember where he put it after the night at Fiona's..wonder why????? STOP MAKING ME SO JEALOUS! Shorts, T-shirts, sun, swimming, gyros, wine, olives, tasty tomatoes...come must be in paradise! Love your furry friend Neil..classic photo. Sorry to hear about your wallet..gosh between your passport and wallet, surely that will be the end of the drama's. We're heading down to Sandy Point next week for a few days so thanks for that! Not quite the Greek islands, just a different type of paradise.
Take care


XxAlice said...

Hey everyone its Alice family says hi. Hope you are having a great time. Sad news about neddy..=(. Any way...your soo lucky sun!!!!!!.
have fun and relax. Xx Alice & family