Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another day – another form of transport.

Today started bright and early (luckily the rooster is either on Melbourne time or is already being served). A basic breakfast in the lobby whilst we continue the arduous task of dealing with stolen items. We then strolled in the increasing heat to the waterfront where we booked our remaining ferry rides. Across the road we purchased bus tickets to have a look around the island. First stop was the picturesque town of Nauossa which is built around an historic (and very small) port.

Here we strolled some more looking at yet more dresses and other items. It seems that the European union has had a few interesting impacts on the country, one of them is that all the shops selling to tourists are all selling the same stuff, and all at the same cost, and they look like they have been recently refurbished to the same standards. Even all the cobblestone streets and white walls look like they have been repainted over winter in preparation for the swarm of tourists who will invest the place in a months’ time. It does all look very picturesque though.
After lunch of Gyros, we hopped on another bus to get to the other side of the island with the aim of finding a suitable spot to swim in the sea. This time we rode in the front seats, much to the discomfort of Ro who thought the whole ride was a bit nerve racking and hair-raising, due to the huge bus, narrow roads, tight corners and wild driving. Needless to say her fears were well and truly founded when 10 minutes later we crashed into the back of a tray truck, shattering the windscreen, jamming the door shut and putting our overzealous driver well and truly in his place.
So there we were, big bus ½ full of tourists and locals sitting in the middle of nowhere wondering if we were ever going to get to our destination. Basically – we needed a new bus (and preferably another driver). Then the weirdest thing happened. We started off down the road again (windscreen creaking in the wind pressure) – about 1km further down the road – in the middle of paddocks – a bus depot. 5 minutes later a car came screaming in, out jumped our new driver, he started up a coach hidden in a garage and away we went. Time lost – who cares. Memories – priceless. Laughs – plenty (once we were away from our original driver of course).
Due to the strong winds we gave up on trying to swim in the sea and instead caught another bus back to Parika (though the middle of the island this time - so we had a very scenic drive).

After a spot of post theft logistics we finally got that dress purchased and headed home to snacks of crispy bread, olives, feta cheese and local wine on our balcony(after a swim in the pool). The girls have also had an after dark swim. Tomorrow is going to be minimalistic in terms of adventures (well that’s the plan at least...)

1 comment:

marg said...

glad you came out of it alive - you are sure having a lot of adventures!