Saturday, June 20, 2009

The First Step

They say every jounrney starts with the fisrt step, well in this case ours almost failed at the first step ! Apon arriving at the check-in counter at Tullamarine Dad realised he did not have his passport....Luckily a quick call to Gabby (you'll be hearing more about her later) resluted in a U-turn on the freeway and a scamper back to the airport to deliver the offending artical.Which had managed to fall out of the bag on the way there. (woops and phew !). So we got on the plane in time and 16 flying hours later we are in Dubai.Well the airport only - seeing the dry landscapes and fabulous arhitecture we have decided that this place deserves more investigation than hiding from the 35 degree heat in the airport.Another day, another trip perhaps...So with 5 hours to spend in the airport - we blogged, wrote journals and paid exhorbitant prices for a cup of coffee..

1 comment:

ellen franc said...

hey whats with the white shoes in the photo were they on sale or something ? ha ha!