Monday, June 22, 2009

A long walk around Athens

After an early start by Ro (6:00am) and a late one by Neil (7:30) and a yummy continental brekkie, we headed off for a day’s trekking around sunny Athens. Starting with the changing of the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, we had a quick lesson from graduates of the school of Silly Walks before heading off to see the results of how to achieve grand building ambitions without steel re-enforced concrete and big cranes. Very impressive. It’s amazing what can be achieved with a hands-on, non-unionised workforce when you have the “appropriate” incentives. Definitely something there for the BLF to consider....
After reaching the top of the dominating Acropolis we were suitable awed by the majesty of the place. It’s great to see that nothing has changed in 18 years. Still lots of broken rocks, thousands of tourists and scaffolding covering most of the site. Makes you think though, that after 1500 years they would have actually got around to finishing the thing. Louisa was blessed with a butterfly landing on her head – which stayed for quite a while, bringing much joy to the other tourists who took photos and dismay to the vendors who were trying to sell butterfly hat clips.
Dad dragged everyone up a nearby hill (in the oppressive heat) to get more Griswald’s type photos before we lugged our weary, exhausted bodies back through the Plaka for a spot of R&R at the hotel.
Dad collapsed for 2 hours, everyone else went to the bar. Later on we went for a shop trying to locate the perfect summer dress for Isabel. This involves Dad standing guard outside whilst the women folk venture inside to annoy staff by be being interested but not actually buying anything. Dinner was traditional Greek food in the Plaka - including fries!! So whilst it was interesting having “traditional” Greek cuisine surrounded by T-shirt stalls - we reckon it’s better to get away from the crowds.
A free night time concert in Syntagma square lured us out of the hotel where we got to experience some modern Greek culture - Beatles music backed by a string orchestra, whilst the local youths practiced their break dancing on the nearby steps. And all the time in the background -the guards continue to practice their silly walk. We suspect they keep doing it all night long.....


Ashie said...

hello detez family,
its molly, ash and mia...
we are at school in goegraphy and it is boring so we thought we would take a look at what you have been up to! We are soooo jealous of you all, you must be having a great time!!
i Love fries too from ash
wizzii hhiiii. love mia
miss you a lot!!!
lots of love,
xoxoxoxoxo (L)

Molly (moo) said...

hello, im just seeing if this will work

Molly (moo) said...


marg said...

Looking great! What happened to wearing your passport around your neck? It's a nuisance, but safe.
We're in cold Fairbanks, hot Athens looks good - enjoy!

charma said...

Hi again!Webby news-Is he stressed or bored?Have been home with him all the time BUT he has pulled bed out of loved kennel and ripped it!Beyond repair now!
Loved the butterfly Loui!
Oh dear Neil no more losses but do watch out in Florence and dont try for a hat trick!!
Looking forward to Greek Is travelogue you are an excellent storyteller Neil xxxx C/M/O

charma said...

Hi Marg!
Lovely to hear of you via the blog site! Book Club tomorrow!
Will be great to hear and see your trip Love Charm x