Sunday, June 21, 2009

Arriving in Athens

And so to Greece, land of ruins of temples built to worship the ancient gods and shoe stores built to tempt current goddesses. Our 6 hour flight was a doddle compared to the last one (either that or we'd passed a pain barrier).
Our taxi driver delivered us promptly to our hotel whilst informing us that they have really bad fires in Greece during summer. Apparently they are on a par with what happens in California! Hmmmm.. Their fires are lit in bushland by malicious property developers who then turn the burnt bush into housing estates (no one dies). I'm not quite sure he understood the difference between home and here in that respect. I guess when you consider the amount of noise made over the years around here about a single burning bush it's not that surprising.
Our hotel is a souvlaki throw from Syntagma Square, so once we'd showered away the stress of the 26 hours travel, we hit the streets with a sense of adventure (aka shopping, dinner and eventually bed). The temperature is a stifling 29 c, the people here are so stressed, they wander around in comfortable shorts and singlets, smiles on their faces, sitting cafe's, drinking and eating and talking as they didn't have a care in the world. They’re obviously up to something.....
And so after poking our noses into countless touristy trinkets booths we made our way up to the base of the Acropolis to have an authentic Greek cuisine dinner. No need to into details, except to say the dishes would have been superb without the ambience. Put 'em together and Woo Hoo !. A stroll home through the Plaka - to be attacked by a barrage of Spruikers trying to convince us that their tables are good enough for Alexander (TG) himself. We gave up trying to point out that ancient dead people don't actually care what their tables are like and just used the excuse that we'd already eaten to fend them off.
Curiously after all of that excitement all the females have gone to bed - and it's only 8:00 pm!


Ashie said...

sounds like you guys are having a great time so far. did u get those tv shows on ur i-pod thingo Lou(wizz)

charma said...

Hi!Lovely to see you've safely arrived and eaten well!No comment on the 26 hours?!Fancy those women leaving you so soon to sleep, whilst you blogged on at length! Lots love and happy sightseeing xxxx

Gabby said...

How wonderful you have arrived and are enjoying the ambiance in between the snoring trio!!Great to be of assistance getting you out of the country. Have heaps of fun xxooxx to you all

ellen franc said...
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ellen franc said...

seems to be alot of eating going on ! hope u dont blow the budget.youve only just got there.


glad to hear you are having a great time, hairy start, its always a forgotten passport!!!!!!!!!
Photos are amazing. Sounds magical, stolen wallet not good, I would have had a meltdown.
Nothing to report from here, all ok at the moment, another week of whole brain radio then chemo starts. Enjoy yourselves and stay safe. Diamonds lost on saturday to top team by 2 goals, good effort, missed Louisa.

Love Lisa xx