Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hi Revisited - Act2 - Settling In

Opening Scene: Morning

The brilliant starscape blazing across the still waters below which was spotted only by a few of the cast (those that had to get up for a pee in the middle of the night and were awake enough to look out the windows) slowly gave up their dominance of the skies to the all powerful sun as we spun our way into it’s influence. Assuming that’s what happened as this blogger slept though the whole event. It was extraordinarily relaxing though, glancing occasionally out the window between slumbers seeing the world get brighter with each peep taken.

Offsprings went for a soul destroying run up to the top of Passageway Peak whilst the cast members with blogger in their title went for a walk down the ramping steel structures that make up the roads of the complex, by the moat and down to the low tide exposed beach of Hidden Cove. It is an eery landscape with the skeletal remains of large mangrove trees defining the view to the turquoise waters beyond. Being hidden from the prevailing winds the day was starting to show signs of being too hot, however we soaked up that minor discomfort easily and thus thoroughly enjoyed the ambiance.

From down on the water level we could see all the castle in its resplendent engineering glory.  Even to the detail of seeing a cockatoo on our balcony railing, then on the balcony table and then …. dunno – lost sight of it. As it transpires the thief had flown inside and decided to feast itself on the contents of the bread packet on the kitchen bench. Much fun for the Offspring when they came back in from their run. OSP1 Companion was oblivious to the event even though he was in the adjoining room. From now on we know the keep the doors shut, otherwise these marauding creatures will learn too much and end up doing an Alfred Hitchcock on us.

After lounging around in pool for a while (having no idea of the carnage going on up in our wing of the castle) we walked back up the seemingly endless ramps whilst the Blogger tried to sarcastically wheedle his way into getting Non-Blogger to go ahead and get the buggy for a lift up the hill. Needless to say – that didn’t work. And so, with pedometer count well up we arrived back inside the castle, got dressed and headed into town to hit up the IGA for some lunch ideas.

Play of the Day Scene: Catseye beach

Fed and fulfilled the two buggy convoy then headed off over the hill and down through the green canopy covered roads to Catseye beach. Not sure why it’s called this, one can guess it’s maybe named by a pilot the first time they flew over it or its somehow related to one of the component parts of the last feline ever seen here. No one seemed to be concerned about the name of the place though – too much fun to be had. Same here. So we strolled past the table tennis tables, the pool and lounges, the swim up bar and straight to the beach hut where the good looking youth distribute happiness through participation in various water based activities. 

Whilst Non-Blogger and OSno.2 had a go at SUP’ing (no it wasn’t dinner time), Blogger, OSNo.1 and Companion headed out into the wild blue yonder under the powerful force of a wind filled sail. Hobicats dotted the waterways as we plied back and forth across the consistent Sou-easterly. A couple of highlights ensued … one was a blownoff cap which was expertly retrieved by a highly skilled crew performing an abrupt about face and accurate pick up and the next was a sighting of a green sea turtle  - which was also seen by OSno.2 as we’d collected her along the way as well.

After being herded back to shore by the cattle dog dinghy we all headed over to the SUB (Swim Up Bar) for cocktails and debrief. End of another successful mission. Spottswoode would’ve been proud of us. After an hour or so of people in water watching we jumped back in the jalopies and headed back up the Great Northern Highway to get back to the castle to refresh and get ready for the next scene.

Closing Scene: Dinner

<Wardrobe dept steps in here>

<Makeup dept steps in here>

<Cast Assembles>

Suitably adorned, the buggy convoy heads back up the road to get to One Tree Hill. Snatching the last available balcony table, we then spent the next ensuing period table hopping to get closer and closer to the best perch until we finally snagged it. The corner table. From here we command a 270 (ish) degree view of the wonders of the passage, the islands, the boats lazing in the late afternoon sun and the myriads of visitors in their buggies who arrived later than us and had to suffer the ignominy of consuming their cocktails whilst not sitting where we were.

It was a most splendid Pre’s.

We then headed back down to the feline’s peeps beach for dinner over the sand watching the scene of water surrounded hills slowly fade away as we whirled ourselves away from the influential orb in the sky.

The restaurant was a delightful evening – with great food, good wine and fabulous company. It doesn’t get better than this. Needless to say though at the end of such an eventful, full on script to adhere to it’s not surprising the cast is exhausted and were all in bed well before the Broadway matinée’s had even started.



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