Saturday, October 21, 2023

HI Revisited - Act 1 - Arrival

Cast of characters:

  • Blogger (you all know so well)
  • Non_Blogger (source of inspiration for all this content … past and present)
  • Offspring No.1 (first addition to the cast)
  • Offspring No.2 (second addition to the cast)
  • Offspring No.1’s Companion (being introduced to the cast and this tome for the first time)
  • Extras (to be introduced when appropriate)

Opening Scene:

Being the well-honed unit we are – getting up early, preparing the house for the dog sitters and hitting the road whilst the rest of the ‘burbs wallow in their blissful slumber seems to be almost second nature these days. Collecting Offspring No.1 and her Companion was easy due to the almost vacant roads. Car drop-off and shuttle to the port was seamless, the hour and half take-off delay was due to the flight manager calling in with a drunken hangover resulting in a backup needing to come down from Brisbane to cover for the other's misdemeanors.

During the mean-whilst..., Offspring No2. was dealing with her own delays at port terminals due to staffing issues … must’ve been a big night before throughout the Jetstar community…and we were the lucky recipients of their consequences. OS No.2 managed to hop her way through Brisbane and landed in HI an hour before the rest of the cast, collected the buggy, circumnavigated the island, getting the vibe as she did so and magically appeared whilst the rest of cast was hanging around the carousel pondering the nuances of human behavior.  

Play of the Day Scene:

As the entire cast (including the 1,867 “official” extras on the island) are now in holiday mode the delays in getting here counted for naught and were indeed forgotten as they happened. Being seasoned travelers to this green dot in the turquoise waters we knew that we had a few hours to spend before being admitted to our castle and so we whiled away the time by visiting the bakery, sitting on the harbourside, consuming their fares whilst shooing away the currawongs and encouraging the cute colourful parrots. It may be a human based prejudice thing – one is a big thieving brute with evil yellow eyes whilst the other shimmies up with a plaintive peep asking for attention (with no threat of being pierced by an extraordinarily dangerous looking beak). Neither got any food – the pretty ones got some good photo’s taken though.

Given the lack of theme parks on the island, we chose instead to drive around a bit. 5 cast members, 2 jalopies – it seems like a good balance. Except when one runs out of battery. We limped from the top of the hill back to the (yet to be checked in) castle and made our base in the moat whilst logistics were sorted.

The moat is pretty impressive.. actually the whole castle is and as such will probably deserve a whole scene description in this play just on that subject. Needless to say, somehow the pool has a “lucky horizon” (it took a bit of working through to get that one sorted).

Stress no.1 – Driving a golf buggy through a town full of golf buggies to get the airport which is well over 4 minutes away to get the keys to the castle. All the whilst suffering with the balmy tropical warm air washing over and drying your slightly damp bathing clothing.

Stress no.2 – Once having access to the Castle having to drive the golf buggy back to the supermarket to stock up on vitals for the troops… A famous general once said “you can’t fight a war on an empty stomach” we decided to extend this philosophy to the next level “you can’t have a dinner of seafood tacos without aperitifs”. Feeling confident that whilst reaping the benefits of past glorious heroism we were keeping the historical lessons learnt well and truly alive.

Stress no.3 – Dinner on the castles terrace was fabulous. The family being together in luxurious accommodation, watching the sun settle over the golf course island and slowly the light faded away as the waters shimmered in spots whilst in other areas became smooth mirrors reflecting the brighter sky above. The occasional vessel heading back to the harbor in what light is left, carving its way through the patterns only enhancing the picturesque vista as its wake strikes a bold line, lingers a while and then the memory of its passing fades away into the all-consuming seas.

Closing Scene:

As the rest of the cast head off to an early AEDST shuteye catchup the sounds of booming explosions echo across the waters, bounce off the distance islands and hills, coming back to reverberate the balcony structure and making this blogger wonder if the troubles in Gaza are getting closer to home. Seemingly not… maybe it was just some fireworks being let off by some rich dude on a yacht in the harbor around the corner.



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