Thursday, October 26, 2023

HI Revisited - Act 6 - Jetting around the Isle

Opening Scene: Separation and recombining

The script for the days play saw the cast disperse to various points of the isle in the morning, creating a montage of scenes, joined together by a web of buggy and foot based journeys. First out was Blogger to whip over to the koalas for some decent coffees (old habits returning with strong conviction – despite a machine in the castle). Next was another whip over the hill to deposit Non-Blogger onto Feline Peeps beach where she whiled away the hours enjoying the ambiance of paradisaical view partially obscured by piles of SUP’s. Some time later OS no.2 also got a lift over to the same spot and then sometime later OS no.1 got over there by the guise of her own feet. That left Blogger and OS No.1 Companion in the castle to do whatever they liked. Blogger wandered down the many leveled and twisting terraces to the beach beyond the moat to capture the receding tide on a deserted beach.

<queue the film crew>

In typical fashion of humans dominating the entire planet, sometime later a sole dude decided to wander across the frame, later back into it and go for a swim right in front of the camera. Slo TV at its worst. It did, however, manage to fill an hour or so of rock sitting reading amongst the curious and skittish crabs and lizards. Meanwhilst OS no1. Companion was lounging by the moat, reading, relaxing and getting to know the other tenants. Apparently, the sole dude was looking for a deer. Where else would you find one but on the beach at Hamilton Island.

Slowly the crew reassembled back in the wing of the castle in order to consume more delicious seafood to energise the troops for the pending assault on the waterways.

Play of the Day Scene: Flat stick circumference

Mounting the beasts of steel, the troops headed out of the castle, converged on the township, donned their armour and mounted even more evolved beasts. This time made of fibreglass and steel, powered by the latest and greatest technology Seadoo can do and we headed out to terrorise the local aquatic life.

5 warriors on three 6 week old stallions of the sea, helping make up an battalion of seven craft all together. The instructions were clear:

1.       Go Flat Stick

2.       Follow the leader

3.       If in doubt – refer rule 1.

It took a while for Non-Blogger to get the hang of the craft, Blogger yelling instructions (see rules above) in her ear did not really help solidify the relationship, and yet eventually she got the idea – that being not to be terrified herself but also to terrify everything and everybody around her. Thus the world became a place of extreme pace, heightened panic and exhilaration as we circled the entire island on a tour that none of us will ever forget. Hedonism driven warriors of the seas, set to conquer the world, one tropical island at a time.

A bonus for Blogger was he could focus on enjoying the views whilst capturing the event on the GoPro <film crew contained within>. The only thing missing was a waiter passing over hor dourves <aka Catering Dept.>

Needless to say the rest of the cast had a blast, literally, blasting across the seas at insane speeds, dodging and weaving, trying to figure out whether to follow the leader or take the shortcuts Non-Blogger was making or order to make up lost ground.

We even stopped in the middle of Feline Peeps bay for a history lesson and instruction on how to hob-nobble law abiding do-gooders (just need lots of dosh). Back around the headlands we’ve been admiring all week and as soon as it all began we putted back into harbor like meek mice, dismounted our beasts who were stabled for the night as we headed back up the Castle for yet another debrief and cocktails.

Closing Scene:

Dinner at a salubrious restaurant over the waters in the harbor was a delightful affair with lots of laughs and reminiscing on what had transpired and what the cast were looking forward to once this particular play had run its season.

< Script expertly led by OS no.2.>

<Catering dept financed by OS. No1 and Companion>

Needless to say, once back in the castle on the hill,  the entire cast was off the dorms early once again whilst Blogger stayed up to argue with the film crew in getting them to release still pictures for the promo.



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