Tuesday, October 24, 2023

HI Revisited - Act 4 - In the Groove

Opening Scene: Splitting of the cast

Today was the day the script writers had decreed enough was enough and it was time to stop all the cast playing in the same scenes. No serious playwright worth their salt would ever consider otherwise and so according to the age old principles of a worthy tome OS.No1, OS.No1 Companion and OS.No2 got up earlier than the rest of cast, cast away their hooks to the prior generation, adorned a buggy and headed down to the port in order to catch a lift to Perfect Beach.

Needless to say, their sense of drama was on display for the entire boat load of impatient peeps as they held up the launch due to a delay in getting their coffee from a café across the road. Pretty sure this is a fabulous example of the apple not falling far from the tree. As the apples eventually headed off to experience the delights of Whitehaven Beach the tree was luxuriating in the peaceful bliss of a vacant castle wing.

Play of the Day Scene: On the road

<Video Dept engaged>

After pointlessly waving at the passing tourist cat carrying the younger generation cast members from their exalted position in the castle terraces, Blogger and Non-Blogger got into the mode of having a few hours to themselves. Non-blogger headed down to the moat for a soak whilst Blogger spent the time toiling with tech. Needing to source forgotten connections there was a couple of trips into town working through the complexities of trying to buy electronic cables in a place where the only things available retail wise are clothes, food, drinks and clothes for those other occasions. “Sorry sir, we don’t stock USB cables – would you like a hat instead?”

Sleuthing to the fore – and yay for the obscurely placed Post Office and Aussie Post’s perchance for stocking more than envelopes and stamps. Problem solved, GoPro and boom box charged and the connected Blogger can continue in his happy space of creativity. All this whilst hooning around in the buggy, foot flat to floor wherever you go, stuff the speed limits - I’m gunna go as fast as I bleed’n like mate !. In a controlled society everyone can have this attitude if they like – it makes no difference as the governors in the machines mean we all go at the same infuriating slow speed.

We did have two distinct road instances today worth calling out though:

1.       Blogger actually passed another buggy going up the hill. Geebers that felt good.

2.      Later on OS.no1 and Companion actually saw a kid fall out of a buggy in front of them, hit the road, rolled and dad turned around and said “get back on”.  Ah boys…who’d have em?

Back to real-time accounts though, Whilst Non_blogger luxuriated by and in the moat. Blogger went on a road trip to capture the entire road system on video. Same as last year (we’re revisiting remember) except this time instead of leaving the GoPro behind he was armed with a new version (thanks to the fam) and all the bits required to do it properly. Every road. Every Vista. Every type of vehicle. Many aspects and a few new locales not previously seen. The equivalent of scouring a whole country in minute detail. Took all of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Really this place, whilst being interesting to visit and holiday in, would wear pretty thing pretty quickly if this was all you had.

Still, it is paradise and it is now captured. Blogger happy. Slo TV consumers in the future may also wonder in the magic of the place. Or they may wonder why anyone would bother. Who knows – what we all do know is that it was a day on the road.

Captured a view of the jet skiers hooning around in the water as if they are in ungoverned water buggies. How dare they be so ostentatious in such a controlled environment.


Closing Scene: Reunition

Eventually the cast assembled for the closing scenes of the day. The original script called for a restaurant scene (with a waiter called Garcon of course) however as all the venues were booked and the yacht club balcony closed, we snagged the prime table on the pub balcony instead for a couple of hours in order to consume bevies and deconstruct the world of people (no point in discussing science or nature – as we’ve nicely managed to use the first to destroy the second). Curiously our table service dude was called Ben…. As the sun continued its relentless journey to the far side we disbanded (albeit briefly) as OSNo.1 and Companion shot over to IGA to get BBQ stock (and avoid buggy ejecting kids on the way) whilst the rest went back to the castle terrace to consume the awesome vista in the rapidly fading light.

Once again, a great evening in. Fabulous food and terrific company. Rufus vibes painting an aural background and then most cast members off to an early kip as the sun had sapped all their energy and was depositing it over the other side of the orb. Blogger stayed up to blog. Noun to verb, verb to noun. In the groove.





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