Saturday, October 07, 2017

Down time

Today was downtime day. One in which one can can ones breath, put ones feet up so to speak. Collect ones thoughts. Pack ones things. Prepare for ones forward journey. Etc. Etc. We did venture out for a spot of shopping at the local supermarket. This was insightful in that these establishments (like everywhere else) sell alcohol on the shelves the same as all other goods. Unlike the nanny state back home. Also Aussie wine is the equivalent price to that on sale in country of origin. Given prices on most items are generally more expensive here (after currency conversion) the only way this could be explained is they charge too much tax back there. Nothing for Brexit to fix here.
We then did a P&P thing and went to the golden arches for a coffee. Even more P&P we sat in the car whilst consuming them. No complaints about either the quality (apart from a sprinkles mix up on the cappuccino's) or the ambience. Great conversations can be had in any location. The afternoon was whiled away by updating blogs, catching up on emails, getting some shuteye and teasing the cat. This flowed into the afternoon game show viewing which was once again pointless... followed by eggheads. This actually turned out to be reasonably useful the following day when the blogger stumbled across a harlequin ladybug and could not only identify it but also highlight the fact that it's not native to the Island.
As the sun was performing its long decent over the southern horizon (as is it's wont in this part of the world) creating a typical long lasting photographers joy zone called "Time of Day" we went for a walk to experience this part of the world in this specific situation. The suburbia recently created sits amougnst a very confusing network of of interconnecting roads which don't have names.
All those deceased people who could've been imortalised by having their moniker stamped on signs and maps forever passed up up for obscure titles such as A303, M5 or A324. No idea where they go, what purpose they hold , or how it applies to to getting from place to place. Back home we have signs saying "Ernst Wanke Road - exit 2 km" which brings a smile to everyone who sees it.
Every day. Over and over again. The locals here really should lift their game as far as street naming goes. So much missed opportunity. Anyway, we did grab some snaps to show there is country beside the estate - making the most of close ups.
Paul showed off his culinary skills by cooking up a fabulous french provincial dish for mains followed by a chocolate tart desert and then a delightful selection of cheeses and biscuits with matching wines and ale's to wash it all down with. It was pretty cool to discover an old artefact made by a talented artist.

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