Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sunday in Bucks

Being a Sunday things were relatively quiet in the town of Buckingham as we went for what turned out to be an unexpected and yet pleasantly long walk on our way to lunch. Past the Olde worlde gaol we diverted away from the road and climbed up the hill through the enchanted forest which was rife with squirrels.
The vermin kind unfortunately. Looks like the Poms got their own back on that front. They gave us rabbits, the Yanks gave them Grey Squirrels. Emerging onto green playing fields with the sound of yelling and cheers we stumbled onto a junior ruby match just as they scored a try. Very exciting for them.
The journey continued as we went past fields trying to shoot blackfaced sheep. Arriving at the Wheatsheaf we ducked through the doors and sat down for a refreshing drink whilst admiring the old architecture which was constructed so long ago it catered more for hobbits than men. The small folk have either been pushed away or evolved using growth hormones. Unfortunately the buildings haven't changed to suit. It's quaint but also quite dangerous for the average height person these days. And so stooping our way through the establishment we made our way to the sun room had had delightfully over the top roast for lunch. The walk back was vital in order to work off some of the gained calories. The sun started to seriously shine completely upsetting our metabolisms and forcing layers to be removed. Once back at base the women went shopping via vehicle and the gentlemen went looking for open establishments in town by foot. Needless to say they found a couple serving local wares of the liquid variety and had a splendid afternoon consuming them.
A fab dinner was whipped up by Sarah after which more of the worlds bigger problems were duly solved. It's interesting that Brexit may actually achieve some of this. If anything by making the masses more aware of the details, the issues at stake and the consequences of their actions. We can only hope so.

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