Sunday, October 15, 2017

A smooth ride home

The trip home was mostly uneventful and went smoothly. Get the feeling that Emirates are showing off by having their own terminal in one of the biggest airports in the world. Seemless check-in, customs and short train to the rest of the airport where the non-blogger even grabbed a neck massage from the professionals there.
These model planes are definitely the best. Happy with our seats considering the build up to the flight. 12 hours went quickly. Yet another family who thinks it's ok to make a lot of noise when everyone else is trying to sleep. It's unfortunate that noise reduction headsets still let human voices through whilst blocking all else. Must work on that one for future journeys.
We arrived right on sunrise. Even Melbourne airport was running smoothly. They need to be careful there or their reputation for being the worst at arrivals may be seriously challenged going forward. Melbourne weather has changed. It was a beautiful sunny day to arrive home to.
The trees have leaves and the garden is in full bloom. Now all that is needed is to sort through the thousands of photos...The price of an itchy shutter button finger.

1 comment:

Margd said...

What a fabulous trip you have had! We have really enjoyed reading about all your adventures and look forward to seeing bigger versions of all those lovely pics!