Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Split to Taunton

Up with the dawn is better than 4am. Even our local bakery was open enabling one to pop out to gather fresh crussoints whilst the other continued to struggle with trying to squeeze our belongings into the crowded bags. These seem to getting more tightly packed each time we do it. Probably due to that fridge magnet. It was with regret we leave Croatia behind.
Whilst it is steeped in living history (which is mostly what the invading hordes come to consume) it also shows signs of being a modern urbanised progressive society. Whilst the memory of the homeland war is fresh in their souls they seem to be keener than most to accept differences and move forward. Lest we forget. Can't quite understand why influencial figures in the worlds leading nations don't see this. Just because you're in power doesn't stop you from being stupid one supposes. Split airport is everything those in the UK aren't: small, relaxed and efficient. Almost makes travel worthwhile. We had an empty seat next to us on the flight to Gatwick which made it pretty comfortable.
Flying over the Swiss Alps was quite spectacular. Another destination to put on the futures list. For the rest of the trip Europe was blanketed by clouds as thus we decended into to UK to see (yet again) the small green fields defined by a network of hedgerows. Gloomy and green. The sun was trying to get through. But not fooling anyone. Entry through Gatwick was seamless due to an apparent lack of concurrent arrivals which was pure luck. Brexit will easily fix this. Getting our wheels took quite a while but we were not stressed so all was good. Luckily it has a very effective navigation system which helped reduce previously experienced stress levels to zero. Our vehicles bright red colour seemed to glow under the light cast by the dull grey skies as we zoomed confidently along the motorways. It took 4 1/2 hours to get to Taunton with one brief coffee stop .
The weather slowly regressed to rain whilst we had a surprise flash past Stonehenge. Been there. Done that. Been ticked already but we did try to snap a view just to prove the point. It was great to catch up with Polly and Paul again and looking forward to spending a quiet couple of days in their company. Their new house in the new estate is very nicely appointed.
Not too sure about the lack of privacy in the back yard though. Surprisingly everyone knows each other quite well in this estate.

1 comment:

Louisa said...

big hug to polly and paul from me please xxxx