Monday, December 21, 2015

On to Sherbrooke

Blocking out the infernal light coming through the bars above the door with a blanket was obviously never going to stop noise. Last nights ghosts came in sometime after midnight and seemed oblivious to the fact that there were inmates trying to sleep through their loud inane conversations echoing throughout the cell block. As it transpires "Hey SHUT UP" seems to translate well in any dialogue. They should have tried that in Poltergeist (may have saved the house). Upon receiving a pardon from the governess at reception we finally shook off the shackles of the old gaol, had a quick coffee in the heart of the old city and bid farewell to Ottawa town and all their....totems.
It was a cold day. With a light snow lining the roads it was -3 to start with. As we flew along the highways the sun came out highlighting the sometimes white fields and leafless forests. Skirting Montreal for the moment we headed on to Sherbrooke. Slowly the flat landscape changed to hills and then reasonably interesting mountain scapes. Most of them have ski runs on them - even small nearby hills. Interesting that the locals have no need to drive far to go skiing in winter.
On the way it got to -6 outside with a fair amount of snow lying around. Arriving at Bishops University we found an extremely picturesque setting - extensive olde worlde buildings and grounds all delightfully covered in a light frosting of snow, serene with not a student in sight. An ex-one (Louisa) showed us around. It was a fascinatsing insight into her world over the last 4 months.
Heading off in the dark we wound our way through the extensive streets of Sherbrooke to our digs for the night. After checking in we went of to Samurai Sushi for an extensive feast of quality fresh products wrapped rice. Yep - the sushi here has rice on the outside - not seaweed. It's the little things that make the difference between cultures. Oh yeah - and they all speak a strange language. Weird.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Tres bon!