Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Moving onto Montreal

Throwing the curtains wide the windows of the hotel room revealed a snow covered car park with a frozen swimming pool beyond. No one swimming curiously enough. The sun was trying to make a serious impression down south and failing in making an effort to warm things up. Feeling refreshed from sleeping in a comfortable bed with no interputions for a change we had our complimentary breakfast in the motel and headed back into Lennoxville - home to Bishops Uni.
Revisiting the cafe' (sans students) and the supermarket (sans students) we walked back to the car through the town (sans students) which was parked at McDonald's (sans students). Driving away from it all we went past lots of student accommodations which (go figure) were sans students. So whilst we saw the place we certainly did not get the vibe that the place had a month ago. Those memories will have to remain within our student herself. Heading back to Montreal the temp started to climb into the positives and the rain started to come down. Soon all vestiges of a mystical kingdom were washed away and the landscape along the highway looked like a wet, cold drab day driving from Geelong to Melbourne. By the time we delved into the concrete jungle that is Montreal it was trying to snow again - however that didn't last long until it all just turned into a continuous cold drizzle for the rest of the day.
Unperturbed though we found our luxurious digs and went to explore the shopping extravaganza that lies hidden below street level. Literally a rabbit warren. Full of rabbits. Honestly, you've got not idea. There are swarms of them down there. They fill every corridor, they eat everything on offer, they crowd through the checkouts. It's like a crazed swam of ants running around haphazardly after a dead log has dislodged from the tree above and fallen on their nest. Well maybe not quite that frenetic but close. Couriously we discovered that there are as many people roaming the streets above the ground as below. After bidding a sad farewell to and ditching our wheels we went to dinner at local Turkish restaurant. Recommended by the internet (which, by the way, has been our guide and source of knowledge in many situations so far on this trip... yay for the internet and yay for free WiFi!).


Margd said...

Bit different when we were there. The temperature was about 40!

charma said...

Thoroughly enjoying hearing about your adventures. XXXX

Unknown said...

Loved your underground world Bugs and co. Adventures look lots of fun. Keep dry and warm