Thursday, December 31, 2015

A big day in the a big Apple

Up at 3:30 am to catch 50 minute flight and arrived in NY city 6 hours later. Oh the joy of travel.The white stuff had finally desisted and so we left the Canadians to their joy. Interesting to see all departing aircraft being washed down with antifreeze just prior to takeoff. Quite an operation. Suspect more out of season farmers being usefully employed here. A long queue for a taxi started the pattern in USA. Its nice to be able to understand the locals (as interesting as the French language is). It's a pity they struggle to understand us. after checking in and finding to our delight we'd been given separate but adjoining rooms we now don't have to live in each others pockets for the next few days. We then hit the town. 22 km on foot later we are totally exhausted the senses are a bit numb. The overwhelming observations are (apart from the place being overwhelming) is the size number of buildings and then the people. There are so many people. There are crowds people lining up at every tourist attraction. There are crowds in every attraction - we even discovered crowds queuing to leave the attractions . And there are swarms of them in the streets. Literally. Needs to been seen to be believed. Our journey started out with a stroll past Tiffany's and then through the chaos known as Times Square. Hightailing it the ports on the Hudson river we perfectly timed a cruise boarding and sailed around the bottom of the island.Up at 3:30 am to catch 50 minute flight and arrived in NY city 6 hours later. Oh the joy of travel.
Disembarking under Brooklyn Bridge we then wandered over it. All was calm an peaceful . And the 200,000 people who joined us also thought the same. The cyclists whose track we were all on didn't. Build a bridge guys. Get over it....oh yeah you did that already... Back on the next leg of the ferry (queues) to have a look at the Statue of Liberty. serious tourist stuff. We almost capsized the boat in the rush to get that photo. People did not seem interested at all in actually looking at it. All that is important is getting that shot.
On the way back to the port we discovered how rude and arrogant other people can be. I guess when you pack so many people together for so long native behaviours eventually surface. A relatively short look around an aircraft carrier and we drifted (read - cut our way through the crowds) back into town. Dinner at yet another Irish pub. And then off to the Rockefeller tower to be fogged in. Still caught snippets of the views and scammed a ticket re-issue (heh heh). One win for the little people.
Total exhaustion. Off to bed


charma said...

Wow oh wow! What an exhausting experience! And all after a few hours sleep! And walking 22km, was it worth it?!!!

Unknown said...

Happy new year snow bound explorers! Glad your wish came true! Enjoy the buzz of New York and finding a spot iof peace in Central Park.