Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Canada - Getting There

35 hours on the go. 3 cars. 3 planes. 1 train. 8 conveyers Well over 20 queues and more than half the planet circumvented in kilometers. Luckily we are not stressed travellers (so when did that happen?) as the day started off with a late pickup for the airport and finished with chaos at the end. So whilst Kez had forgotten about us she still delivered in a timely fashion. The Qantas hop over the pacific was a long yet 14 restful hours.
The transit through LAX was an army like precision drill as we were masterfully guided through the rabbit warren of that complex. Sunrise over LA and sunset over NYC from the air provided perfect bookends for the next 6 hour jaunt, with chapters of deserts and vast swaths of the middle America farmlands covered in snow in between. We were due for an easy 4 hour stopover at JFK airport in NY however due to the vagrancies of the weather, air traffic controllers and cheap airlines some one decided to cancel our next flight, potentially leaving we three stranded in the States and Louisa stranded in Canada. Patience and calm. breath deeply and don't sweat (after a full day of traveling that's the worst thing to do....). With some magic from a counter guru we swapped airlines, swapped airports via an Jamerican taxi driver ( hey the roads work here!) only to find our replacement flight was running 4hours late. Stay calm.. etc. etc. A cheap meal at the airport terminal cost us $150 au. Hmmmm might have to find a supermarket.... and so we headed low over man lit terrain to Canada. 90 minutes later were a reunited foursome hurtling down the freeways at 140 km per hour. And here we are, ensconsed in our warm basement abode looking forward to tomorrow's adventures.

1 comment:

Margd said...

Wow, what a trip! I assume you met Louisa!