Thursday, July 30, 2009

A quiet day in paradise

Not much to report today. R&R has that effect – after all – who really wants to know that the weather has cleared, it’s warm, not too muggy, the clouds have gone, the threat of storms looming over the sea have disappeared and all we are left with is perfect blue sky, wafts of cool drafts off the Indian ocean and tropical playground in which to explore?
And so ignoring the calls of exotic adventures and exciting places to visit (due to 5 weeks of high adventure – basically we couldn’t care less) we opted for a day of shopping in the nearby stalls, getting the washing done (the never ending chore – regardless of your situation and/or place) and making sure there were no more tsunamis’ rolling in. The later involved lounging around on deck chairs (suitably shielded from the sun by umbrellas which were constantly adjusted by our faithful umbrella attendant) and watching the ocean. Admittedly we nodded off sometimes so the vigilance was not as intensive as first suggested, however we always had an ear out for trouble – even if just to ward off the passing vendors of flutes and sarongs.
It’s somewhat disconcerting to be still overseas and yet seeing signs of Aussie infestation everywhere, we keep hearing Aussie accents all over the place; the stall vendors who have no idea who we are say “G’day mate” in order to start up a conversation and the beach is littered with our flags. Something just doesn’t smell right (those that have been here will know the double meaning that sentence has) .
In the morning the water was a beautiful shade of blue – into the afternoon it curiously turned into an interesting shade of yellow. It was still warm and pleasant bouncing though the waves so we put the change down to a differing light refraction from the moving sun. The locals were running a brisk trade in jet ski hire (motor cross on water – yay - a perfect way to enjoy a pristine aquatic environment – for the rider – everyone else gets to enjoy the noise, the fumes and the threat of being run over by some idiot who has less sense and compassion than a doofdoof enabled Tuktuk driver) and Parasailing - which created lots of nice fumes as well..
Izzy and mum had the pleasure of agreeing to the services of a local woman who smeared some sort of clear goop all over them and then told them to wait for 30 minutes before washing it off. Not wanting to wait that long they duly headed into the surf to cleanse themselves and thus the colour change of the water was explained....
Dad did his best to get some sort of sun burn by spending a couple of hours waiting for the perfect wave to body surf and everyone else basically just lounged around on the deck chairs and R&R’d. Eventually the dogs sleeping under the deck chairs moved on and thus we figured it was time to break into the exclusive pool back at the hotel. This is much more salubrious than the one assigned to those of us families that reside in the family wing. So snubbing the signs and the associated authority that decrees we were are not of the required quality to use these facilities, we sauntered right in, signed out towels, jumped in the pool, swam over to the pool bar and ordered a round of drinks. Luckily we did not have to raise our prestigious heritage and family lines in order to justify our audacious behaviour – unchallenged, we eventually paid the bill and left.
Two days left and we are now coping with the question – do we actually do something here that bloggers all over the world may be interested in – or do we just R&R a bit more? Oh the pressure – it’s almost too much to bear.


marg said...

Sounds perfect - hope you don't get bored!

marg said...

Droolong with envy - so is Webster. Will meet you inside the arrival hall. Will be waiting at a nearby fast food joint for your call on the mobile on landing and then will proceed to parking lot and a saunter across to see all the red eyes. Love - HD

marg said...

Droolong with envy - so is Webster. Will meet you inside the arrival hall. Will be waiting at a nearby fast food joint for your call on the mobile on landing and then will proceed to parking lot and a saunter across to see all the red eyes. Love - HD

Carol & Ian said...

Hi Everyone,
Sounds like you have the same weather as Good old England!! ha ha
Ro great seeing you again (after all those years)and meeting the family!
Glad your enjoying the rest in Thailand before you have to get back to reality.
will email some photos.
Carol & Ian