Friday, July 31, 2009

More of the same

As expected nothing extraordinary happened today. The weather was slightly more muggy, it had rained before we dragged our still jet lagged weary bodies down to breakfast however we saw none of that precipitation action during the rest of the day. The three girls headed off to massages and shopping whilst Dad sat beside the pool and read a cynical yet funny book based on life in the office. This had the weird effect of slowly bringing him down to earth and wondering what gossip maybe running rampant back home.
After rendezvousing back in the room we headed back to the posh pool (stuff the rules – it’s simply nicer – probably due to the lack of toddler wee) and we splashed around for a bit and then played stacks on the mill. The crowd was very impressed with our 4 person high stack. Next time we’ll bring a camera person as well, as it was we could only get our 3p stack captured.
Afterwards Dad and girls wandered back to the portrait caricature dude for a sitting for the girls. This took a fair bit longer than expected; the results were however, spectacular. This guy is a genius and deserves far more credit than the lowly fees they charge. Not to be confused the rest of the cheap rubbish everyone else seems to be pushing around the place.
On the way back we wandered though one of the hot spots which was just warming up the night. The seedy side of Phuket was just starting to rear its ugly head. As this is a family blog, details will not be expressed here, it was however interesting to see what potential the place has and it’s obvious that it’s not all just sunny beaches and cheap imitation goods that some people come here for.
Back home after dinner we’re relaxing in the room listing to the occasional doof doof of the super tuk tuks drift down the street as reminder that the city is still a buzz with whatever they do out there in the wee small hours.
The plan for our last day of relaxation tomorrow is to celebrate Ro’s birthday in style. This will most likely mean doing more of the same, again.


marg said...

Love the drawing of the girls! Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday said...

Hi guys,

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Rosie happy birthday to you!!! How nice to celebrate two birthdays in such memorable places. Enjoy your final days together. You'll probably come back to earth with a bang! Can't wait to see the slide show! said...
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Bronwyn said...

Hi Rosemary,

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you for the 1st.

love Bronnie xxx

thebritts-sarah said...

Happy Birthday Ro, thinking of you and hope you celebrate in style!!
It was fab to see you all a magical few days, I'm just about back down to earth - and the ironing pile!
Will start saving in September for the brittens return to Aussie......
Take care, Sarah, Nick, Nicole, Oliver & Rory XXXXXXXX