Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The other side

Well here we are – made it the other side of the planet. The second flight was long and drawn out as we needed to sleep but our surroundings we not entirely amenable to the task. The girls did O.K. with Isabel curled up on the floor and Louisa using the two seats above. Ro and Neil spent the whole time trying to find a comfortable position. Whatever transpired as a possible solution only ever lasted a few minutes due to either lack of circulation of the stranger next to us inching his way into our space on every opportunity. Thus a fitful night of snatches of semi-conscienousness would be a good way to describe the trip.
Bangkock airport must have one of the biggest terminals in the world and managed to cover most of it when trying to achieve our connection. Once we had done so the next 2 hours was spend with Thai airlines, this was a much older plane, less technology and yet seemingly more comfortable – this may have been the result of not being hemmed in by strangers . More fitful sleeps interpreted by snack boxes ensued.
Upon arriving in Phuket we almost fell over in disbelief when our baggage was ready before we were. This just goes to show that the smaller the airport, the better it is. Our prearranged limo was waiting to spirit us to our lodgings. Back home this “Limousine” would be called a “Holden” or a “Magna” Whilst the car itself lacked in prestige badges, number of seats, mini bars and a Jacuzzi (we wouldn’t have minded) and thus proving itself worthy as advertised – the driver certainly made up for it by flashing anyone that appeared that they might get too close to him or was in front of him. Curiously, this sometimes worked. It would’ve worked a whole better if the windows were tinted; people don’t seem to mind giving way to VIPs’. They do seem to mind getting out the way of scruffy, tired looking Tourists whose only claim to fame is that they’d just spent 26 hours being abused by the airline system.
Arriving safety, the room is nice (no views and girls think the wall paper is a bit toddlerish) it should do nicely over the next four 4 days. We had a look at the beach, the street, the bar and then had swim in the posh pool. Dinner was great (a Thai banquet in the hotel) and the weather is really oppressively muggy. We should be able to cope quiet well when considering what we’ll be experiencing in a week’s time.


marg said...

Sounds good, have a great time - lots of sleep?

Bronwyn said...

OMG Izzy your so lucky 2 be on the beach...ITS SOOOO COLD IN MELBOURNE WAHHHHHH I MISS YOU HEAPS UR COMIN BACK THIS SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!