Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Italia here we are!

Up early again in order to hit the road, a nice Mercedes taxi ride to the airport, more long queues waiting to check in and it was farewell to Greece, a quick flight over ancient islands and seas and we flew into Rome. On the way down we spied some fields which prompted the question “is that where they grow the wheat for the Pizzas?”. The wait for the baggage was longer than the flight, after seeing how they handle the bags here I’m surprised any of them survive intact.

Fangio drove us from the airport to the district where our hostel is located. It was meant to be a front door drop off. Thanks to the maps Grandma gave us before we left, we had a better idea of where to find the street than he did.

The Hostel is quite weird. The building is shared by other hotels and the reception is next door. It’s like trying to negotiate the catacombs getting around. The room is small and pokey with no view or balcony. We were certainly spoiled on the islands. From here on in the hard work starts.

We have just ventured out to get the washing done. Thanks to some overzealous washing dudes all the shirts have now shrunk, needless to say Ro is not happy about this. In order to find our feet we wandered around town – avoiding the train station and the dodgy characters hanging around there. We ended up at a museum which has lots of artefacts recovered from archaeological digs over the years. Quite interesting, unlike the statue we stood next to (who has not yet found her head) - we found our feet – they are all tired and throbbing as we are all exhausted..

Blogging could be a bit difficult over the next few days – we need to see if we can find some WiFi.

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