Waking to the continuing sounds of the distant breakers whilst the early sun filtered through the windows was delightful, even more so when sitting up the view if the Bass Straight is there to behold.
The fishing boats were out there all night performing their assigned tasks to perfection and around 10 am (after breaky and packing up) we stopped by to collect our Couldn'tbefresher prawns, packed them in the trusty cooler bag and trotted off home, whiling away the kilometers whilst being absorbed in the never ending chapters of the audio book. So self focused on the weeks adventure we both had a strange epiphany when stopping at a large roadhouse close to home, folks from all walks of life going about their normal Sunday arvo lives, the radio worked again, wow - the world we left a week ago is still here, totally unaware of our adventure, somehow we need to do a mind switch and get back into it.
And so a warm sunny Sunday arvo wrapped around us as we arrived home from the other direction to which we had left. The pooch was ecstatic to see us.
A nest of wasps somewhere nearby was also really keen on all the collected bugs whilst they were washed off and picked out of the grill on the jalopy.
Offspring no.1+1 were very grateful for the fresh prawns and we had a wonderful evening consuming them on the back patio as the sun faded away through the bamboo - as will the euphoria of the weeks journey over the next while.