Saturday, September 10, 2016

Marooned in Paradise

Here we are. Stuck on the bottom of Viti Levu with nowhere to go and with no means of getting there.
It's raining - driven by a cool southerly coming of the NZ snow capped mountains thousands of kilometers across the sea. Any notion of exploration of either land or water is quickly forgotten as the precipitation drives the few guests inside their quaint villas. We spent many hours getting here overnight. The 5hour flight was pretty much sleepless. The arival in Nadi was painful due to two flights arriving at the same time, renovations restricting the flow through customs and the really weird band of security guards acting as musicians. The drive (by our jack-of-all-trades Mani) was a fabulous insight into Fiji culture and facts. e.g. approx 850,000 people live here. Only 60 road deaths per year. Mani is obviously not happy with this and subsequently is doing his utmost to increase the stats. Hopefully the top speed limit of 80kph and the excessive speed bumps across the highways will thwart him on his unaware quest. Upon reflection though it was a very useful lesson in how to handle the roads for later.
Our resort is in the middle of nowhere and as we have no wheels it looks as if we are captured for the week. Have just signed up for the meals package so it looks as if we'll be hangin' in our room with the occasional stroll over pseudo pebbled pathways to the dining room to put on calories we have no hope of burning off. Tonight is Curry night. Paradise.

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