Saturday, September 17, 2016

Last Day in Paradise

Possibly the best morning weather wise we got up and took advantage of the late checkout (because no-one was due in today). A snorkel for both of us before breakfast is a petty cool way to start the day.
The loss of a thong (left too close to the gobbling swells) was tolerated as it was no longer required anyway. A lazy morning in the cabin ensued as the wind picked up again. A slow pack and then a last lunch before checkout in the packed dining room. So whilst we jumped into the good car for the long drive back to Nadi it was with regret as we left behind a beautiful place packed with beautiful people and the whole coast basking in a beautiful day weather wise.
12 hours door to door... the trip was uneventful - apart from a split cup of red wine all over oneself. It's delightful being pinned into the same position for 6 hours smelling of wine, getting cold from it and knowing your clothes will be ruined as a result. Ah the joys of travel....At least Melbourne International was freely moving (1st time ever) - suspect this was due to only two small flights landing at the time.


Margd said...

Is that a picture of your cabin? Looks more like a palace!

Margd said...

Oh sorry, now I see that's the dining room.