Thursday, September 15, 2016

And the wind doth blow

The sou'easterly had turned pretty much full on easterly and bordering on gale force as we stumbled out of the cabin after a hard night of arguing with poorly written blog construction apps and inadequate tools running them. The morning was subsequently taken up by trying to recover the losses of the night before. Having posted a 2nd hand version (never as good as the original) we headed off downwind along the beach with the aim off reaching the Hideaway for a reminisce of days long past and prior to current coupling.
Once again the locale comes alive when out of the wind. Leaving our towel behind (hitchhikers all over the galaxy shudder in disbelief) the trek past villages, jungle, elders sitting on rocks, choral deserts and river crossings ( yep..more wet feet) was delightful. Somewhat more exotic than traipsing past houses in 1st world suburbia. The resort was ..well...a resort. Manicured gardens between the plethora of villa's nestled beneath a canopy of palm trees. No one on the extensive beach.
Eventually found everyone crowded around the one pool. Kids screaming. A pod of wannabee scuba divers looking totally out of place in less than 1 meter of water. All the deck chairs full of lounging tourists. Without breaking stride we glided through so thankful that we had our slice if heaven to go back to.
Needless to say the headwinds on the way bank were tiring but to be in the warm tropics on a deserted beach is worth a strong breeze or two.
Stopping at our towel we plunged into the shallow waters to cool off after our efforts (8 kms). Well actually the water is so shallow at low tide it was more "lower ourselves into the remaining dregs"...still clear, clean and refreshing though.
The afternoon was consumed by massages alternating with reading and with the wind continuing at its feverish pitch putting paid to any notion of water activities.
Then pre's. Then dinner. Then blogging. Then bed. Day done.

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