Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Vistas of Vis

The throbbing engines of the vessel woke all inside early again.
This time though it wasn't as headachy as the day prior. The bad weather had definitely passed on and the old town of Korcula was resplendent in the early morning light as we slipped past on our way to more adventures. Whilst all on board were lamenting not seeing the town in dry conditions very few bothered to look out and see it painted in the yellow and golds as the blogger did. It was very pleasant to fall back into the comfort of the bed before eventually appearing in the mess hall later than most and suffering a choice selection as a result. We were heading to the remote island of Vis and the longest stretch of cruising for the entire week. 3 hours across a calm sea on crystal clear day. Even the plethora of jets in the sky seemed to vanish behind us. A warm breeze drifted over the bow as we sliced our way through the sapphire waters. It was very peaceful and relaxing watching the significantly high islands with all their intricacies of steep hillside agricultural techniques on full display. Needed binoculars to get the details. Forethought had this one covered.
After a self indulgent lie in down in the cabin we finally got to the island and dropped anchor in a remote little inlet and the inmates jumped in for a splash around in the warm waters squealing and laughing like school kids whilst the locals watched over us like teachers thankful they didn't have to behave so indignantly. Not a great deal to see underneath. Rocks, small fish and the deep dark unobtainable blue of the depths far below. Refreshed and thankful that even the non blogger could tick that one off we cruised into the port town of Vis for a poke around. This is yachty heaven. Here the well off come to slide around on the smooth seas in the consistent c warm breezes in middle of the day and then come and party in town until the wee small hours. The boats are all lined up with their afts butting the restaurant strip so they can sit on their crafts and practice their crafts of consumption, people watching and woof whistling the pretty maids as they sell their wares to the tourists, who's boats are all tied together at the other end of the quay. So whilst one refreshed the other hopped on a mountain bike and went up the nearby mountain with the aim of reaching the prominent ruins at the top. This was achieved - even though the steep rocky path had to be negotiated by carrying the bike in some spots. The views from the top were well worth it. Not just for the 360 panorama but also for the uniqueness of being there. Millions of people would see this from distance - very few will ever make it up here. The old fortress walls had no indication of how old they were but it was certainly significant. Seeing an even higher hill nearby with better looking tracks that was attempted as well to see if a different view of recent military establishments could be captured.
Nothing to see over the ridge as the tracks turned out to be driveways. It was still fascinating to see more old stone ruins, stone fences/ walkways running everywhere through the low scrub. No doubt mankind has been here for a long time. Spotting another fort lower down the bike managed the terrain back to smooth roads nicely. Fort George surprised by being a trendy bar. Having a time limit of one hour was a constraint which unfortumately inhibited consumption. So it was back on the wheels to fly back down the smooth tarmac into town in 5 minutes in time to watch the sunset from the back of the Rose. Good fun in a strange land.
Dinner out with a retired UK couple in a local seafood restaurant was sublime. Chargrilled Octopus and sordfish washed down by a superb local red. A nightcap back on board with the blinds drawn ( as you never know who is wandering around on the vessel next door) led to a perfect sleep after a perfect holiday type day.


Margd said...

You seem to be visiting different places than we did. Love the pic of the bike!

Gabby said...

Sounds great and could be totally relaxing withou frenetic pedalling xxx