Friday, September 29, 2017

Dinner with the captain

Departure at 7:00 from Sibenik for a short stint along a fiord to the very small town of Skradin at which we saw the dock before being herded onto another boat to go to the Krka National Park.
There is history everywhere around these parts. Coatians are very proud of their famous ancestors and rightly so. In this case Tesla is the man. He invented AC electricity and came up with the idea of hydro power and this where they built the first plant. At the same time as Niagra apparently. The falls are spectacular and yet another very popular tourist trap. In this case it is indeed a trap as once you're in you have to wait for tourist boat to escape. The queues were extensive in getting back but it all flowed eventually. Not quite as fast as the water flowing away from the base of the falls where the blogger had a dip in after circumnavigating the park. The Agape Rose then took us back out through the fortressed channel and into the high seas where the party on deck got underway. This was pre-dinner pre's. Well maybe before that... seemed like a good idea at the time. We even managed to convince the Captain to stop for an ad-hoc swim. The currents were pretty strong around the boat, however the crew had no trouble dragging the castaways back with a bouy on rope.
We docked at the tiny town of Trogir and had a quick walking tour as the setting sun turned every aspect into a photographers delight and then had proper pre dinner drinks at a quiet alleyway burger joint. The tour guide had some difficulty in explaining why the church bells were ringing. Something to do with mice. It would take a lot of trained critters to make that much noise. Eventually we realised she meant mass. Lots more laughs and general gossip over the drinks.
The Captains dinner was a fine dining experience where the captain kept as all entertained for hours with hilarious and enthralling stories of his adventures on the seas over his long and illustrious career. Well that's what we expected. Instead he sat at one table and our tour guide had to translate everyword as he only speaks Croatian. Regardless we pressed on. Once the girls invaded the bar, things started to get a bit messy. And loud. Once the grappa started flowing the night quickly decended into chaos. Everyone had a good time. Some tried some boat hopping manouvers however the fun police stamped that out pretty quickly. So it was just up to us to try pole dancing and generally assuming our selves with the music blaring out across the quiet waters of the harbour. Glad I wasn't trying to sleep through it.

1 comment:

Margd said...

We didn't visit the waterfall. I remember Trogir, though.