Saturday, August 07, 2010

Off to the beach

Friday morning started lazily (compared to yesterday) – out of bed at 8:30 and hitting the shops by 10:00. First stops were to ensure the tailors were on track and then it was to market to market. No fat pigs but heaps more cheap stuff, and a bag to put it all in. We made sure it matched Mums new shoulder bag – just so she could continue to tell everyone about it.
This time we hit Central and Olympic markets. Olympic puts Spotlight to shame. More material of stunning patterns and colours than could be imagined. And this was one small area of the multi-storied, thriving with activity place.
All of this bouncing around town was courtesy of our driver of course, this type of service almost makes shopping fun. After a relaxing lunch in a small courtyard restaurant we rushed back to pack for our sojourn to the beach for a couple of days. The trip to Sihanoukville was another 4 hours on the roads, no games of chicken this time as our driver seemed to be happy to take things easily and keep his hands off the horn.
The roads were chaotic as ever though, this time exasperated by the never ending stream of trucks with containers (as we were heading towards the country’s ports). This is the wet season and we discovered a fascinating countryside with bright green fields in front of dark ominous skies and more ramshackle, poverty stricken abodes. And yet the people seemingly appear to be happy.
Torrential rain greeted us by the time we got to our hotel and continued for pretty much all of the night. Our hotel is run a French couple who refurbished it from ruins of the war era and is on the hill overlooking the Bay of Thailand. The lights of the harbour beyond silhouetted the trees on the ridge in an eerie glow as the rain lashed down all around us.
Driving though town on the way to dinner through the downpours in the dark was somewhat of a change for Cambodia as no one was moving about - it seemed everyone had ducked for cover somewhere or another. The Italian restaurant was full of "interesting" patrons and fabulous food. The Garlic bread alone is worth a mention simply for the amount of the stuff piled onto each slice. So whilst not much interesting to write about, the day’s activities had everyone exhausted and we collapsed into our comfortable beds and freezing air cons for an interrupted night’s sleep. Pity we didn’t notice the ceiling fan until the morning (note to self – look around room before going to sleep).

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