Sunday, May 31, 2009

Europe 2009

Standyby Bloggers - The next adventure is on the horizon !


Molly (moo) said...

hello Louisa and the Detez family!
I hope that you all have a wonderful time... I'm sure you will! from Molly

polly said...

Bon voyage to you all. Wishing you a safe and memorable trip.Really excited about seeing you all on the 19th July (ample wine supply at the ready Ro) Loads of love, Polly & Paul xxx

Ashie said...

wizzo and co. i already miss you guys soooo much. nothing will ever be the same with out you. i cant wait to c u in 6 weeks when you can tell me all about your trip and how much fum you are having. have a wonderful time

xoxo Ash Bruce and Family

Cooks said...

Hey Guys!!
Just read your blog. We are all very envious back here!! Have an amazing time, we know you all will. Guinea Pigs are going good, Iz. I let them out for a bit today, they seem quite happy. We miss you heaps already!! Lots of love. Travel Safe!
The Cooks xoxo

Cooks said...

Mum loves the gumboots from Pa! She's being wearing them all day!!They are great!
Love again,
The Cooks xoxo