Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Whole day in Coober Pedy

We had a great day today.
Started off by getting up early (amidst complaints of NEVER getting a sleep in! ) and we joined the tour at 8:20am). The tour encompassed a visit to an underground church, the fossicking area, the underground pottery , the golf course, driving past various types of mines and a long stint in the museum – which covered many aspects such as what the underground houses and what the mines look like.

The picture of the girls is taken in a section cut out by a machine.

Later we went fossicking whilst Mum stayed behind. Luckily we found heaps of really big opals which ended up being great quality. Since the local miners looked so hard up - we donated them all back to the local miners charity.

We kept the scraps though.

Then we went out for pre-dinner drinks at an underground bar and dinner across the road at the local Pizza restaurant (to celebrate Dad’s birthday - Who Hoo!)

Quote of the day :- Dad to Louisa – “It’s destiny you will barrack for Collingwood one day”
Louisa “I don’t think so Dad - by the way…. What’s Destiny ?”

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